Hi Folks .
I thought I'd update you on forthcoming events following our committee meeting last Monday.

Trip to York
This is proposed for Monday 18th November . It is about 3 days after The York Christmas Fayre/Market has begun - so it is a popular time . Monday should be quieter than at weekends . The cost for members and guests is £5 per person . We will be subsidising the cost of the coach (£500). At present we have about 38 names on our list and we have ordered a 49 seater coach please give your names and £5 to Simon MacKinnon, Norman Richardson or one of our committee members ASAP if you want a seat . . The coach will leave Coulby Newham Hub at 9.30am and leave York at 3pm . The coach will drop off and pick up very close to the centre of York .

We had a lovely walk this week along the old railway line at Guisborough .

Next week the walk is at Preston Park - from the carpark to the river then along the path towards Stockton.
On Tuesday 17th September the walk is from the Tees Barrage - parking over the bridge near the cafe then walking towards Stockton to The Millenium Bridge - returning on the south side of the river .
On Tuesday 24th September the walk is along the river from Teesaurus (Dinosaur )Park off Riverside Road .

The suggested date for the AGM is Thursday 24th October at approx. 11am in St. Cuthbert's . This date doesn't clash with the meals/lunches prepared at St. Cuthbert's .

There will be a few absentees over the next couple of weeks or more, particularly at Trinity . Please give a helping hand with the organisation where this appears to be needed . Thank you .

Shirts .
Colin Cunningham will be taking into the suppliers the list of shirts which have been ordered. Please be patient as the suppliers are recovering from dealing with providing uniforms for loads of schools round Teesside .

Air fryer Course.
We now have a full list of participants for both courses . The first is on 9th16th and 23 rd October at Trinity from 10-12.30 each session . Those taking part are - David Lamb, Brian Dunn, Brian Simpson ,Ray Francis , Jimmy Fry, Martin Bourner Norman Richardson and Kevin Long.
We still awaiting dates for the 2nd course . Those involved are - Jeff Saxton , George Scoby , David Kerr, James Conlon ,Ramon De la Pena, Hugh Darroch , Simon MacKinnon and Peter Ormerod.

Christmas Dinner/Lunch .
I have provisionally booked Middlesbrough College- Waterside Brasserie for 12 noon on Friday 6th December for this event . We are awaiting confirmation of the booking for 60 people - the 3 course menu details - and the price . I am also looking at parking arrangements .
Reports on this venue have been very positive . We hope to start taking names and deposits soon ( possibly at the end of the month ) but not until we have confirmation of the booking etc.

Thats all for now .




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