Hi Folks.

The main purpose of this update is to let you know about our sick members .

Dave Sharpe had his by-pass op, following his heart attack about 2/3 weeks ago ,but on returning home he had a black out . He was taken back into hospital and they discovered fluid on his lung. The attempt to drain this led to an infection . I've been contacting his daughter Avril. She has just emailed to tell me that although he has blacked out a couple of times recently they think they have the meds sorted and he could get home today .

Brian Dunn had his major operation last Thursday (he's the person in the white cap on the photo of last Tuesday's walkers having soup in Asda ) . I phoned his wife Bridie this morning . Good News - Brian has responded well to the operation . He is making good progress and she hopes he will be home by the middles of next week .

Denis Callaby has an open wound on his back which is troubling him , together with his lung cancer . He contacted me last Thursday to say that they are going to start his radio-therapy soon . As he was diagnosed with the cancer in October we hope soon means days or a week or two not months !

Peter Sibley was thought to have a DVT but fortunately that is not the case and we hope to see him back with us next week .

Tom French has had an eye operation . We hope to see him back soon and we hope he can see us !

Yesterdays birthday boy - Brian Simpson has an important hospital appointment next Thursday - Good luck young Brian .


As you will see from the photo our numbers were a bit depleted this week . We still enjoyed the walk and the soup etc at Asda Thornaby .

Next Tuesday we are walking round Ropner Park in Stockton . Parking is available on Hartburn Lane near the entrance to the park. Alternatively you may find spaces on Middlesbrough road east of the park .

The new walk rota suggests we walk from Asda again next week . Dave apologises for the duplication and suggests we could change this . We could do another walk from the same venue or following discussion we may change to another walk . Watch this space as I'll report next week what our decision is following Tuesdays discussion . If you downloaded the timetable the Linthorpe Cemetary walk is swapped with the Tees Barrage walk from 8thJuly to !5th July so that we can have a guided walk with Ian Stubbs . - An expert on Linthorpe Cemetery .I hope to download a new timetable/rota next week with the latest amendments .

There will be a Committee meeting at Trinity on Monday 10am . I will give you information on proposed trips and courses next week following that meeting .

Please keep an eye on our web site for information . Simon is meticulous in keeping it up to date .

If there are members you know who are still not receiving the updates refer them to the web site and let me have their names so that I can check for theie emails .

The Grants Team namely Charlie Rooney and John Waite are busy trying to find funds for us . If you know of any organisations that give to charity, please let them know . We are an organisation that is officially registered with The Charity Commissioners .

Thats all for now.

Take care in these winter months



Please visit he website for further information . If you know members who are not receiving this blog /Update please inform me and recommend they visit the website where Simon publishes these updates .

Please note this  web site  can be viewed  on  most  mobile phones  via our QR Code


Happy Christmas to All our readers
