Latest Poster`s /Information 

YORK Christmas Market

(on 18th  November 2024)

Air Fryer Courses .
We now have 2 courses . The 1st in October - 9th16th and 23rd at Trinity from 10am until 12.30 each day .
Dates for the 2nd course have still to be finalised . Both courses have there full complement of participants. We can take other names on a reserve list .

Learning for Inclusion, Middlesbrough Community Learning Service

Here are courses information we are planning with MCL

 Air fryers Basic and heathy cooking

 Basic use of Mobile Phones

 Basic First Aid

 Managing Money at Live Well   


Update  from  Paula  (MCL) about courses

I do have a new short course for basic digital, it is called

Digital Confidence, this will be good for people who are totally

new to digital skills and might not even have an email address.


If anyone would like to do this it will be held on

The course dates are:

Tuesday 10th , 17th and 24th September.


Tuesday 1st , 8th, 15th October.

1:00-3pm at Multimedia Exchange

Names are being collected for the  York trip 

The cost for members and guests is £5 per person . We will be subsidising the cost of the coach (£500).

At present we have about 38 names on our list and we have ordered a 49 seater coach

Please give your names and £5 to Simon MacKinnon, Norman Richardson or one of our committee members ASAP if you want a seat .

The coach will leave Coulby Newham Hub at 9.30am and leave York at 3pm . The coach will drop off and pick up very close to the centre of York .

Colin Cunningham  has  now placed a ordered for the shirts
